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ShaoTang劭唐視覺設計有限公司位於台北市,是一群熱愛視覺藝術的設計工作者。我們喜歡接觸各種不同行業屬性的專案,並針對市場需求重點,做最合適的安排。ShaoTang劭唐並不僅著眼於雙北市;我們親自送達,我們的每一個客戶 . . .

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In the web design world, image is everything. The look of your website means a lot. This is more important especially on mobile devices, which have limited screens and memory. A website that looks good on a mobile device gets to be used more often than one without. This is due to the fact that more people access …

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In the modern world, information is the new currency. Most of the things that take place in daily life require information that is timely and relevant. This is even more important when this information is being accessed on the internet or on modern devices such as smart phones and tablets. The information has to be laid …

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The field of technology is a diverse place. This is more so in the device manufacturing field where there are many companies that manufacture different models of smart phones, tablets, mini-tablets and even computers. This has led to a fragmentation of devices in the web and mobile ecosystem. Having different devices with their own different capabilities, …

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With the explosion in numbers of mobile devices it’s no longer possible for a business to ignore the mobile web and be successful. Your potential customers are using their phones to access the internet more and more frequently, and unless a company is delivering custom mobile websites they are losing business. Standard websites don’t load or …

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ShaoTang劭唐都是很專業全面服務的設計公司。我們的設計範圍從信息,宣傳冊式的設計一直到電子行銷,還有小型企業網站設計。我們的創作人員會跟您相約一個時間溝通,然後 . . .

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台北市 陳先生

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